Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Whole Different Dynamic

Sooo, I was driving down a “road” in a land cruiser at 11:30 pm at our site in the Laikipia area (we get AMAZING FOOD HERE at this research site I CANT BELIEVE IT), and I came to the conclusion that my prof was driving like a wild child on purpose because, u know… hes a man and men like to drive CRAZY for absolutely no reason other that pure amusement (aka praveer and vineet. Hi, that’s you two).

And then I thought: This is weird. I’m in the back of an SUV with my prof driving in the front. This has never happened to me before. And then I slowly started reflecting on all the things I’ve done on my trip with my prof’s that have taken them off of that untouchable university pedestal that makes our profs seem almost unapproachable and god-like, when they are just completely normal people. (I sound like one of those magazines that creates a section on “Stars – They are just like us! They grocery shop, just like us, they get flat tires, just like us! Etc etc).

I have had so many prof-student interactions that are pretty special/hilarious/very interesting… For example:

1. I played the card game “president” with Dr. Green, my bio prof, who came in last and was deemed the “bum”. So, I called my prof the “bum".

2. Dr. Chapman, aka Lauren took us on a hike to the papyrus swamp and before we climbed a hill, took out multiple chocolate bars to feed us for “energy".

3. Dr. Bird (the ornithology prof) told us the story of how he met his wife around the campfire (it was a lovely story. 

4. I watched Thom, aka Dr. Meredith, the coordinator of this trip, jump off our moving truck. He is our Indiana Jones.

5. I was having a conversation with Lea (the health prof) back in Kibale, at dinner. She is quite short. And I may or may not have seriously asked her (or called her) a midget.

I also never call my profs by their last name (and its really awkward if we do.) How will I ever go back to McGill and deal with the awkward, formal student-prof relationship again?? .
Dr. Bird hving some fun.
By the time you read this, the program is probably coming to an end (I set my blogs to have timed, automatic postings). And i have yet to blog about Nairobi, Laikipia, Malindi  (the coast bababyyy) and Tanzania. And as of now, while I write this, I have no idea what the heck my plans are after the trip. Nairobi really isn’t the kinda place you can just set up shop and feel safe. But hopefully I stay in Nairobi for an internship or to work with AIESEC, depending on my comfort level (aka my mothers confort level).

Lets hope that by the time this is posted, everything's worked out :)

1 comment :

  1. "hes a man and men like to drive CRAZY for absolutely no reason other that pure amusement" - bold words sheena

    Point 2, did she have chocolate chip cookies and juice boxes? If not, she cant really compete with us

    Point 5, How dare you! (And before you go there, you argued this 75 times first semester and every time we stood back to back I was taller)


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