Friends. We have been out of contact formuch too long... So long that I did not know where to begin this post. Then,while I was using the bathroom, I had a visitor. This visitor was a MASSIVELIZARD just chilling in the bathroom. So that is how I’m going to start – byannouncing that I just went pee with a lizard and surprised myself by the factthat I was surprised by a lizard. I would have thought that with all of themini cockroaches I have come across and all my crazy sprints across the highway(or across the sidewalk for that matter – motorcyclists do not seem to want toacknowledge that the sidewalk is made for people, and it is, in fact, NOT aspecial lane to avoid road traffic), I would have toughened up a little, or atleast not be so terrified by a lizard! I was wrong. Still terrified.
AN-Y-WAYS. I’ve had a really exciting lasttwo weeks! I feel like I have finally gotten into the swing of things atMindvalley. I wake up at a VERY reasonable hour, shower in my shower (and Ifound out today that my shower is called “Shower of Happiness” according to thebox connected to the shower head), squeegee (I’m getting good) and head out thedoor, totally confident that I will not be ransacked on the way to work, norwill I be hit by cars going on and off the highway because I ALWAYS used theforged path. I have my access card to my building and office and in addition toobtaining that card; I opened a bank account and got a debit card so I finallyfeel like I can live in Malaysia. Hurrah!
The next thing on my list is to secure internet.Guys I seriously feel like I am living in the stone ages with my desolate 3Gsituation and my complete lack of internet and wifi.
Mindvalley is really different from yourtypical work environment. If I want to sit on a bean bag and work, I can go siton a bean bag. I work facing stunning views of Bangsar in an office that has areally great vibe going on overall. Everyone is very friendly, creative and SOGOSH DARN MOTIVATED to contribute, innovate and learn. It’s a dynamic andexciting environment to be in. I am currently being trained in customersupport, so yes, this does mean a lot of email answering but it also means thatI get to learn about all the products that Mindvalley sells in the area ofpersonal grown and development. Some of these products sound like they could reallyhelp people (and by people, I am including myself) grow. I guess I have hadprevious exposure to this kinda stuff like muscle testing, reiki, chakrahealing and so I’m not as skeptical about things like meditation, visualizationand understanding the body’s energy flow and its healing powers (thereare enough people in California to keep the business going though so THAT’SOKAY). I’m enjoying learning about these programs and the emailing isn’t so bad either,especially when I get lovely notes from customers who rate me 10/10 and blessmy soul and tell me I’m helping to make the world a better place (the peoplewho use our products are of a different type....)... And who doesn’t like alittle praise? What I’m most excited for now is to be finished training and toreally get to join my team and get to know them through working with them J
Me & All the newbies getting some mamak food! |
A group challenge at work involving wishing people nice things |
One of the 3 office spaces at Mindvalley |
The view from Mindvalley offices |
Mindvalley is also really social. Theyrecently had an event pushing for Kuala Lumpur as a developing epicenter forentrepreneurship, innovation, and start-ups, complete with capoeira dancers, anamazing band and lots and lots of drankz and Polaroid pictures.
Other than work, lots of things have beenhappening in Malaysia! Avia (my summer roommate) and Nicole took a trip to KL andcame to stay with me for a night so that we could go to a South Indian festivalcalled Thaipusam. They are currently doing an exchange in Singapore. It wasreally nice to have a piece of home, here in KL because I was missing havingpeople to just talk with about mutual friends and, experiences, etc.
trying out the mcdonalds in malayisa (chilly curly fries! mmmm) |
Although Thaipusam originated in India, theLARGEST celebration of it in the world is in Kuala Lumpur at the Batu Caves. Sowe took the train out there and we were greeted by MILLIONS of people and aroaring sun. We all watched men and women marching up the hundreds of steps ofthe Batu Caves to get to the temple, all the while, bearing piercings on theirbody attached to coconuts or lemons and limes. It was a very intenseceremony/march to watch! These people must have been in a completely meditativestate in order to bare the pain of the needles going through their backs, armsand face. Check out what these peeps look like!
This past week I was also lucky enough tohave Zehra come and visit meeeeeeee!!!! Zehra and I had a really entertainingweek where we ate so so much, drank tons of Tea Tarek, ate lots of roti,shopped and took a trip to Penang for the long weekend (but that will be adifferent post in itself J ). I also managed to meet up with Kat and her friend Julianna whoare currently on their own Asia adventure and all 4 of us did some Batikpainting. Batik is a traditional Malaysian art form where you kind of tie dyesilk that has a wax design on it. It’s a tie-dye paint by numbers of some sorts.Can I also just say that I was totally impressed by the artistic abilities ofmy friends? They made artwork so BEAUTIFUL that I just couldn’t get over it.
Getting some Banana Leaf |
Hot tea tarek |
Ice tea tarek |
And so the montage of pictures of Zehra continues |
Our completed batik artwork (CHECK OUT THE ELEPHANT!) |
Finally, I want to update you on myMalaysian Choir that I joined – “The Young KL Singers”! Basically I joined achoir that sings in English but it was just my luck that the choir is preparingfor a farewell concert for a Malay Composer, meaning I am singing in Malay andit’s kind of hilarious because I cannot read the words, nor do I understand oneword of what I am singing. The choir is really welcoming and fun. They took meout for drinks on my birthday after meeting me for the first time that day!They are so jolly and good natured and always cracking jokes (most of which Ifail to understand) and laughing. Attending these rehearsals really lifts myspirits for the week. I’ve added a video of a choir – you should all regard thefact that you can view it as a PRIVLEDGE because it is extremely embarrassingand you must tune out my own singing PLEASE. I beg you.
Chinese New Year is also coming up and I’venever celebrated it in Asia before. Allthe main roads are decked out in red lanterns and lights and everyone is givingout Mandarin oranges at work. It’s a really exciting time and a really bigcelebration and hopefully I will be able to partake in some celebrations aswell. During Chinese New Year many major cities close down (like Singapore andHong Kong and Kuala Lumpur) because everyone makes the pilgrimage back to theirvillage to spend time with their families. As a result the roads are very quietand unless you know someone celebrating Chinese New Year, it’s a very quiettime in the city. Still, the lead up to the New Year is exciting for me becausethere are signs of Chinese New Year everywhere and this year it’s the year ofthe snake which is MY YEAR!!
As you can see I am settling in but thereare still days that I wish I was back in Toronto or Montreal, especially when Isee all my friends together. But it’s okay. Moving to a new place and settlingin takes time and is a long process. Somehow, I forget this every time I trysomething new like when I moved to McGill and despised the school for 3 monthsor when I traveled to East Africa and was pretty uncomfortable for a goodmonth. But then, I also know that this feeling passes. Hope everyone is wellback home. Send me text messages/whatsapps/viber me and tell me the mundanedetails of your lives.
And this is here just because I had it on my phone. heeheehee |
Love starting my mundane work day by reading about your amazing adventures!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that everything's going better. Mindvalley sounds cool. Working in a beautiful setting can make all the difference sometimes. I happened to like that Malay song. Looking forward to hearing some more "privileges" sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteLove your posts Sheenz. Seems like you're settling in and doing a good job of keeping busy! Just one question....on a scale of gecko to komodo dragon, how big was this lizard? I have a feeling it was closer to the former...
ReplyDeletehey sheenz! this post made me soooo happy to read, especially after your last one haha. I'm glad things are coming together for you in KL! Your life sounds unreal and I hope you're enjoying every second of it!! so many fun and new experiences!! can't wait for your next post!! ALSO how do i subscribe to your blog so I know when there's a new post?
ReplyDeleteok... i think I figured it out..maybe..not sure. guess I'll find out next time you post