It's May 5th and 4:00 pm and I'm sitting at my Aunt's house waiting to hear what the results of the Federal election in Malaysia will be (which we be known in a few short hours).
It has been a pretty intense process for me to take in everything election/politics related over the last month here in Kuala Lumpur as I am used to living in a country where your political alliance is a vey private matter and a private decision. It is not a topic of discussion during parties (at least among my friends), nor appropriate conversation for a nice sit down dinner, or part of the useless banter/small talk with your taxi driver. It is here. This year is a year unlike any others when it comes to politics in Malaysia. The Malaysia government can call an election when ever they desire within the 4 years that they are in power. This year, the ruling party (called BN) waited till the end of their 4 years to call the election and refused to tell the public exactly which day the elections would be placed on.
Signs that an election was coming started with strangely flags scattered along the roads about 3 months back. At one point, I asked if there was a festival going on! Then BN started handing out ...well...handouts and things to certain racial groups in Malaysia about 2 months ago (around the time that I went to Ipoh) and this eventually resulted in a build up of political discussion and a hugeeeeeeeeee build up political flags.
This year, there is very little certainty regarding who will win the election. For the last 50 years, the country has been under the control of BN. There has been no change for FIFTY YEARS and in the last few years the party has even stopped trying to hide the corruption going on within the government. After 50 years the population seems like it is ready for change and it seems that there is A LOT of talk in support of the Opposition party.
Let's talk about some ways that the Canadian elections differ from the Malaysia elections.
1. There is political signage EVERYWHERE.... and it seriously appeared over night on every sign post, on every street where ever space is available (not just on people's front lawns). I don't really know what BN thinks is going to happen if they put up more and more flags but...whatever.
2. BN has a theme song and theme slogan. Theirs is 1 MALAYSIA (aka Satu Malaysia) which, in itself, is interpreted to be very hypocritical by some as the party is believed to have divided Malaysia's races as opposed to bringing them together (which is what their '1 Malaysia' is suppose to represent) :-/
Check out the Satu Malaysia theme song. It's really catchy.
What's even weirder is that BN has taken over advertising on every single media form possible since they are the only party that has the money to do so.
When I went on Youtube, the advertisements at the top were for BN. Even my Twitter promoted posts advertised BN (how do you know I'm in Malaysia, twitter :-O)
Also, just cuz this is hilarious, please watch this promotional video that BN made:
It would be pretty entertaining to see Steven Harper and co. do some karaokee stuff.
3. People are really politically active! My taxi driver said that he thinks 90% of eligible voters will vote today. Although my Taxi driver is not the authority on this, what I assume he ist trying to say is that from his perspective, most people exercise their right vote. People are even flying in from aboard to vote this year! Not sure if I can say the same for Canadians cuz I've NEVER seen something like this is Canada:
![]() |
The line of voters in Johor, Malaysia |
4. People are finally getting the opportunity to see if they have a real democracy. The biggest worry here is that BN will bring in "ghost voters" to fill the voting spots of the people that don't turn up and some how rig the system to give more votes to BN. This election is SO CLOSE that every. vote. really. does. count. People are obviously outraged by this possibility and I've already read quite a few articles about peoples' experiences where they have been given a hassel at the voting station in order to prevent people from voting. On top of this, police men do nothing to prevent ghost voters, and electoral officers do nothing to help people gain back their right to vote. In Canada, this dun happen (pretty sure). And, gosh, after going through all this, I am so so so much more appreciative of our democracy!
Change can be good but it can also lead to instability and even international media is reporting on the potential after effects of the election if the opposition wins or if BN wins, or if BN manages to win by force. And this is why I'm hanging out at my aunt's house tonight and have stocked up on canned soup *thumbs up*.
It's now 5:01pm and the polls have closed.. now to see what change happens in Malaysia!
12.45 am update.... things just don't seem to be adding up... literally.
The results are in and BN has won (whether it was fairly? Very debatable).
There is a sweeping sense of sadness across my Facebook as people were just hoping for a fair election, and even that was taken away. Everyone has changed their profile pictures to black boxes. I feel sad for Malaysia :'(
12.45 am update.... things just don't seem to be adding up... literally.
The results are in and BN has won (whether it was fairly? Very debatable).
There is a sweeping sense of sadness across my Facebook as people were just hoping for a fair election, and even that was taken away. Everyone has changed their profile pictures to black boxes. I feel sad for Malaysia :'(
I understand what you mean about all the political posters. In Peru during their presidential elections, posters were everywhere and they even painted the sides of buildings and walls with the names and colours of the candidates.
ReplyDeleteAs for that promotional video, the shot of the four guys "dancing" with the two on either side both swinging their arms just cracks me up. While we can't quite compete with that in Canada, I did dredge up a video of Stephen Harper singing a Beatles song with Yo Yo Ma (apparently, googling "Stephen Harper singing" brings up quite a bit of stuff theses days).
ReplyDeleteI somehow stumbled on your website! I am so glad you're keeping a blog about your experiences! Keep it up girl! Writing you from Clark street, Raahil's second year apartment in Montreal. :)
- Man Wing
Man Wing wong! SO good to hear from you! and yaaaaaay keeep reading as I post! I love writing it :) Hope you're enjoying the summer in monty (as it slowly creeps into the city!)