Thursday, March 17, 2011

Elangata Wuas - The Church Visit

So… as you all know, I am a religion major. So when given the opportunity to go to church, obviously I took it. I got to go with approx. ten other girls to a church in the area called “Mile 46”. Mile 46 is a called the “shopping center” by the locals. Not because it is a mall or anything, but because on Saturdays, the entire place fills up with Maasai women and men selling shukhas (these are traditional Maasai cloths) and machetes and cooking pots. But when the market is not on, the entire place is empty and completely unrecognizable as a market place. The singing and dancing at the church enveloped us as soon as we entered. There were women in Maasai clothing (Which seems obvious, but like its crazy to be completely emerged in the every day life of these people and not just visiting them as a tourist attraction to “see their way of life”)… and had all their elaborate beading on them. My group looked just a LITTLE out of place, especially because I lack the ability to dance “spontaneously”… as many of you know.. So because I can't dance, I got a young girl who was standing beside me…staring, to teach me all these dance moves.. LET ME TELL YOU we were breaking it dooown. .

Getting ready for church (click to enlarge)
Although the church was small and made from corrugated iron sheets, they had this massive speaker system loud enough to fill a gymnasium! And they were singing their hearts out into it. My group ALSO got a chance to go on stage and sing a song… My friend Miranda had taught us a Swahili song (that she learned back in Ontario) ten mins before that point (Video of the song below - we may have sang it better or worse than this video... you can imagine it as you wish).
So we sang it, and everyone in the church sang it with us! It was slightly embarrassing because we were more so making sounds than singing words, but they really did love us!

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