Sunday, April 28, 2013

A day in the life of....

Hey guys.

I've wanted to put up this post for some time now. I just took a bunch of pics as I went through my weekly routine to show you what it looks like where I live and do my work. The last pics that I put up of my apartment were pretty depressing so I wanted to share what my room has transformed into since I moved in about 4 months ago. As you can see, I am settling in :) 
My bed with my bolster pillow that I love... everyone's really into bolsters in Asia... imma bring one home. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Bangkok Experience: Shopping, Eating & Soaking...

Okey dokey.... It's been WAY to long since my last blog post. I hope yall missed me :). I've started uncontrollably adding smiley faces to everything I type due to working with customers all the time, and constantly leaving them little :) :) :) even after firmly telling them off. So..... if there is an excessive number of smiley faces in this post, I'm sorry. I can't tell. I don't even think it's weird any more.

In the last 3 weeks, I travelled to two places! First, to the Perhentian Islands, located on the East Coast of Malaysia, with a bunch of AIESECers for a mini vacay. We left KL on an overnight bus on Thursday and came back on an overnight bus on Sunday (which was an "adventure"/scene out of my worst nightmare), after which I went home, napped for 2 hours, showered, and went straight into work. I AM HARD CORE FRIENDS. So. hard. core.

More recently (about two weeks ago now), I went on a lovely 5 day trip to visit my roommate from first year, the lovely Chollawan, who is currently living in Bangkok. And, this is what I'm going to write about in today's edition of my bloggity blog blog.

First, I have to say that Bangkok is an incredible! There is so much culture, so much to do and see, such good food and SO.MUCH.SHOPPING. In the 4 full days I spent in Bangkok, Chollawan took me all around the city to get the full Thai experience.

So Bangkok is located in kinda mid-way up Thailand (and Thailand borders Malaysia to its south). Bangkok is in a really safe area of Thailand but right by the Malay-Thai border is a civil war going on in Thailand were many people die every day. Even though it is not even something I think about in my daily life while living in Malaysia, or even all that often while in Bangkok, this is constantly being talked about on the news in Thailand. It's weird that a civil war is occurring so close to me and since I don't follow any Asian media channels regularly, the war does not even cross my mind on most days (FYI there is also a war going on in Malaysia in Borneo with the Phillipeans...).

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