Friday, May 6, 2011

There goes gravity...back to reality.

Hello Toronto! I'm home... safe and sound... for actually almost a week! The word I am looking for to describe my trip home is "rushed". Rushed? you ask. YES. Rushed! I got to the Nairobi Airport late and I waited in a massive line to put my luggage through the x-rays. When I was finally out and had some glimmer of hope of catching my flight, I approached a woman for help who then told me that "my flight had left yesterday".

So naturally, I started freaking out. In between the time of running to the counter to get a second opinion on my ticket, where they told me my flight was perfectly on-time, I had managed to wake my mother up in Canada on the telephone to tell her that my flight left.... and then proceed to run out of credit, leaving her to believe that I possibly was stuck in Kenya for another day. All was well when I made it out of the lobby, to my gate where I purchased more safaricom credit and remedied the situation.

THEN. My flight was delayed getting into Amsterdam and I narrowly made my connecting flight thanks to my leopard-fast agility. Unfortunately, my bag didn't make it...Not that I expected it to. After all the rushing was finally over, I was HOME :)!

I guess I had to return to "normal life" at some point.... until the next adventure (read: getting my final driver's license). So I'm sure you faithful blog readers want to hear my revelations since coming home. Well here they are. Since coming home I've realized how much I love meeting new people every day and how much I love seeing new places and doing new things. I learned that I love change and I definitely did not know that about myself before this.

Thank you my wonderful blog readers and commentors. I had over 3,000 page views and that makes me feel very loved. To anyone thinking of starting a travel blog but hesitating in fear of being one of "those bloggers"... JUST DO IT! I now have an amazing electronic journal of my whole adventure!!

Thats it!

Before (Sheena the "explorer")

After :) - Sheena THE explorer.

p.s. For a second take on East Africa - visit my friend Shelby's blog:


  1. Hey Sheena!

    I love your blog! I was reading the end part I'm on the same page as you when meeting new people. I love to meet new people as well, to do new things everyday. I'm also a big fan of change (not back to mtl though...) :)



    P.S. Guess what? I saw a JAVA U !!! And I thought of U <3



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